
Usually solutions are created with mass, mothic and equivalent concentrations. In the first case their concentration is characterised by the number of grammes of the dissolved substance in certain either weight or volume of a solution or solvent (usually 1000 g, 1000 sm3, 100 sm3 and 1,0 dm3),in the second and third cases - by the number of moths or equivalents of the dissolved substance in certain weight either volume of a solution or solvent. After mixing of liquids concentration is frequently expressed in volumetric percents, by the number of volumes of the given liquid contained in 100 volumes of a solution. For gases the solubility is expressed more often in volumes on one volume of water. Water as the polar solvent is not simply inert environment, in which not only various substances, but also matrix imposing a significant print of its properties on phisico-chemical properties of formed homogeneous system can be dissolved. Some authors, being based on two-structural model of liquid water, mark, that at dissolution of unpolar gases only atoms of helium and the molecules of hydrogen can freely, without destruction of hydrogen connections, be located in a cavity of ice-looking structure of water. The introduction of large molecules causes deformation or destruction of a skeleton of upper-molecular formations. It is supposed, that the dissolution of argon, nitrogen and oxygen is accompanied by introduction of their atoms or molecules in the cavities, partially deformed at the expense caused by the bent hydrogen connections, that results in increase of amount of the connected molecules of water and distortion of its ice-looking structure. At the further increase of the sizes of molecules dissolvable in water of inert or unpolar gases around them the structures of a type of predecaedres are formed and the initial structure of the solvent changes. The special type of interaction is observed at the presence of connections, dissociating on ions, in such structured solvent, as water, when physical phenomena, caused by the presence of the parities, and the phenomena of infringement of structural elements of environment characterised by the general term "hydratation of ions". The physico-chemical properties of such systems will be various depending on presence in them of cations and anions like Nà+, Ê+, Ñà2+, Mg2+, Ñl-,ÍÑÎ3-,SO42-. The importance of the stated rule becomes clear if we remind that not enough attention is given to study of influence of ionic impurity of water on chemical processes in water at researches of these processes. It complicates statistical processing of the saved extensive materials on operation of stations of preparation of water with various mineralsation.

The second kind of interactions named kinetic, is considered as influence of ions on transmitting movement of the molecules, nearest to them. This area of hydratation forms kinetic properties of water solutions and mechanism of course of a number of processes in them.

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